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Text frame location read out

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I have another issue with text boxes. In Affinity Publisher a colour text box lines up with the pictures but exporting to PDF and the text box does not line up. I have a copy I can send you but it is for a university report that is supposed to be confidential until it is launched. I can either email a copy of one page to you or wait until it is launched and show you, I will paste a part of the document so you can see the problem. I have updated to the new beta version but still have the problem.



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No problem, can you clarify for me exactly where it doesn't line up?

I can see in your screenshot the text frame that starts with Figure 5 in isn't lined up with the picture below, but that is how it is currently set up in your document?

Also can you let me know what PDF settings you are exporting to?

I might be missing something so let me know!


Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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