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I am using AP Photo 1.6.5. When I copy and paste a photo (to add it as a layer into another AP project), or paste it into a new blank document using the "place" option, the added item has suddenly, this morning, become very dark relative to the original. I am unclear what has gone wrong, why now (working fine previously) and how to correct it. I have found an option "return to factory default", but clicking it doesn't obviously make anything happen, and a PC reboot has not helped. Can anyone please advise me? Thank you.

I can update this message. I have found that if the colour format of the new document' is reset from 8RGB to 16 RGB then the "place" function behaves normally and no longer darkens the inserted image.  As a relative newcomer, I don't understand the principles behind my mistake but I seem to have stumbled on a solution.


Hi Keith Palmer,

Welcome to the forums :)

Could you please confirm where your source image is originating from when you copy it? If possible, could you provide a copy of the .afphoto file here? 


Hi Dan. Thank you for your offer of help. Ahead of that, please see my update, which may (for the informed expert) spell out where I've been going wrong. I think I've got the software working normally again, as place works fine (above) and pasting a photo as a layer also seems now not to darken the inserted copy (perhaps they are in the same colour format?). Keith


Thanks for that, unfortunately I don't believe this to be correct as I've placed a 16bit .tiff file into an 8bit RGB document and the image appears visually similar - see below screenshot (left original, right AP)
Annotation 2019-03-27 131830.jpg

Could you please confirm, what file format the image you're placing is, and where the file originates from?

I have no doubt that setting the documents colour format to 16bit may be a workaround for you, but I'd like to determine whether this is expected behaviour :)


I also had another go at 'factory reset' accessed under 'edit' then 'defaults'. (This didn't work when I first tried it, so I attributed my workaround to changing the color format - in the absence of any other insight.)


Thanks for confirming that, there should be no issues with such images, as if they're JPEGs they are most likely 8bit images - so your document should not need to be 16bit.

Have you changed your colour settings in Affinity, or do these remain at default? Are you working in an sRBG document, or CMYK? A screenshot of your document with the placed image could certainly help :) 


When I create a new document or open a new photo they are in sRGB (I think IEC61966-2.1). I 'm sure I've not changed the settings.

I can attach a screenshot, but as I can no longer reproduce the problem, I'm not sure what would help you, if anything.

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