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Same export settings - different PDF

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Dear developers,

I have a book cover project from Affinity Photo 1.6.5 version.

I use Designer for PDF export, because in Photo has not bleed settings (more information here). I exported same project and same settings in Designer 1.6.5 and latest 1.7 beta (v258). I get different colors, and effects.

In 1.6.5: I cannot export Source Sans Pro (Type1 font), I exported fonts as curves.

Here is two PDF's whats I made with two Designer, compare these:

1.6.5 version: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ar9GB-v89284ga5RgKrxD67Hi8AdTw

1.7 b258 version: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ar9GB-v89284ga5UIgtVpjdQmbiieg

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Thanks. So, this is what's going on:

When you have FX on, the text will export as curves. This is expected, as we try to keep the appearance as it is.

Colour change: In 1.7 we have re-written the adjustments, so the values you set in 1.6 do not match with what we currently have in 1.7. This should change before the public release, and 1.6 projects should look identical in 1.7. 


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Great thanks, and I exported texts as curves now, but font under 1.7 version is correct (I think this is a Type 1 fix in beta version). Colour fix would be good for more compatible between versions, and reprint will same.

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