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Ciao tonipica,

Benvenuti nei forum :)

Purtroppo i nostri tutorial video per desktop sono attualmente solo in inglese, tuttavia i nostri tutorial iPad più recenti hanno didascalie chiuse in più lingue, tra cui l'italiano. Andando avanti, speriamo che tutti i nostri tutorial corrispondano a questi, in modo che possano essere utilizzati dai clienti di Affinity in tutto il mondo.
Nel frattempo, ti consiglio di consultare il file della guida in linea, che è disponibile in italiano qui:

Foto - https://affinity.help/photo/it.lproj/index.html 
Designer: https://affinity.help/designer/it.lproj/index.html

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Salve Moderatore, e grazie per queste prime indicazioni. Ma esiste la possibilità di vedere i tutorial, oltre che su IPad, anche su una normale tavoletta Android (tipo Samsung S2 Tab ? Ti ringrazio per l'informazione richiesta.

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  • 1 year later...
5 hours ago, Dan C said:

Hi @Carlo58,

I can confirm that all tutorials now hosted on the Affinity website have closed captions (CC) in Italian! You can find these tutorials below -


I hope this helps :)

I entered the page that indicated and I confirm that all the information WRITTEN is in excellent Italian.

The valuable VIDEO TUTORIALS ARE IN ENGLISH ONLY, and my previous translation request is for video tutorials.
I attach this example page: https://affinity.serif.com/it/tutorials/photo/desktop/video/393660277/
If possible, I would like to listen to these videos also in Italian, so that I can understand them.

Alternatively also in French or Spanish, which are languages I understand quite well.
As a last resort, I would also appreciate just a version with subtitles in your English language, which thanks to automatic translators I would be able to translate into Italian.


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19 minutes ago, Carlo58 said:

If possible, I would like to listen to these videos also in Italian, so that I can understand them.

Unfortunately all of our tutorials audio is provided in English only currently, my apologies.

20 minutes ago, Carlo58 said:

As a last resort, I would also appreciate just a version with subtitles in your English language, which thanks to automatic translators I would be able to translate into Italian.

As mentioned in my above post, by clicking on the 'CC' icon in the video player, found in the link you've provided above, will apply subtitles to all of our videos - in whichever language you prefer. This includes Italian, French, Spanish & English - 


I hope this clears things up :)

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I would like to add that these days a great free video tutorial on Affinity Photo has been released on Youtube. I discovered it by chance and I don't know the author.
It is in Italian and done by a very knowledgeable person. The video lasts over three hours. I consider it useful not only for those like me who still do not know Affinity Photo, it also illustrates very high quality information. I would like to ask the administrator of this forum if, for the benefit of other Italian users of Affinity Photo, I can indicate the link to this tutorial on youtube.

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15 hours ago, Carlo58 said:

I would like to ask the administrator of this forum if, for the benefit of other Italian users of Affinity Photo, I can indicate the link to this tutorial on youtube.

Of course Carlo, please feel free to post a link to this video here if you feel it will benefit other Affinity users :)

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