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Stroke Properties resets pressure then pressure becomes none responsive

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I discovered this when using the apperance panel and adjusting the pressue profile of a middle stroke to see how it could be used. I then decided to look at the properties button. As soon as I chnaged the stroke size the pressue profile on the path (profile shape in the window stayed the same, in my case a W shape. ) was removes and I had a fixed width path. Even moving some of the nodes on the pressure graph did nothing anymore.

I then repeated this on a basic path again applying a W shape pressure profile. This worked fine until I clicked on the properties button and changed the stroke width. Again the path was reset to a fixed width yet the pressure profile was a W shape.

Is this a bug or am I missing something.

Screenshot 2019-03-24 at 22.13.01.png

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Hi SteveP110,

Looking at your screenshot it appears you have no size variance set - so the pressure will not change according to the graph. If you up this then you should see the Pressure Curve begin to take effect.

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