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bit of a just for fun photo composite of four images
started with very recent sunrise image >I found it to too hard to line up the wires >added a rectangle marquee >added outline > added mask > removed the outline not needed >use warp tool to add the bend / saging > added masks to bird image > removed wire> added a darken blend layer.
No idea how convincing it is > all photos taken with a little Pana Fz300 from the house yard
Suggestions, honest comments and questions welcome

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@ianrb, Looks very convincing.

Are those birds Australian Magpies? (Silly question really, they wouln't be European Magpies.)


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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11 hours ago, John Rostron said:

@ianrb, Looks very convincing.

Are those birds Australian Magpies? (Silly question really, they wouldn't be European Magpies.)


Thanks for asking; but no magpies there @John Rostron. There's a peewee or magpie lark (much smaller than magpie) -- right side on the wire. In the middle is a crested pigeon. 
The rest are rosellas with one on the wire and 3 others flying --- that file of 3 was duplicated, rotated + one bird removed so it wasn't so obvious 

I sort of like that image more and more.  Not very often this happens; but I might even get a photo printed. Need a bit more work first  

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I really like this composite image!

As per my sig I'm a real sucker for pareidolia (you can Google that!).

The three flying birds—left, right and to a certain degree the one below the wire are, to me, like ballerinas in flight...

The other two in flight are ... well, the male dancers in the ballet ;)

The three birds on the wire are beautifully positioned and active (the left counter balancing the other two) ...

Stunning image however IMHO the background is too heavy ... yellowish/brown! If this was my image I'd be looking at changing that (luminance?)




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Pretty nice composite, but there are two minor "bugs" in the composite that should be fixed in my opinion:

  1. the second left bird and the most right are cloned - even if flipped, it looks unnatural to the viewer. try transforming or warping one of the bird's wing.
  2. next to the right bird on the line some part of the line is missing. try to close the gap

Cheers, Marc

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11 hours ago, PedroOfOz said:

I really like this composite image!

As per my sig I'm a real sucker for pareidolia (you can Google that!).




Many thanks for the honest comments -- I really appreciate to hear how other really see it . Perhaps the flying birds should be  left more as original . Always seems a long exercise to get the position of the elements "perfect".  And yes; the sky is too heavy
I took a few more photos of the tree and sunrise colors this morning as there were some light clouds there so I can more time making the "perfect" photo. 

It's amazing really that I have lived in this house for 18 years but I have never noticed the potential of that actual angle even though I would have seen it often 

The original image -- would be 100 mtrs away from the backyard 

201903  262.jpg

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19 minutes ago, MarcBr said:

Pretty nice composite, but there are two minor "bugs" in the composite that should be fixed in my opinion:

  1. the second left bird and the most right are cloned - even if flipped, it looks unnatural to the viewer. try transforming or warping one of the bird's wing.
  2. next to the right bird on the line some part of the line is missing. try to close the gap

Cheers, Marc

Thanks Marc, much of my reply to you is in my previous post -- we posted at the same 
The missing bit is blown out white feathers and I had the same thought as you; however being a "as is was" photographer 9_9 I could not possible change that :4_joy::4_joy:
Thanks for comments marc; very appreciated 

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