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I am wondering whether there is any way to set a panel row (with more than one panel) to a fixed size. I mean I don't want the panels to change their size depending on the size of the panles above and below and their own size.

To show what I mean I have attached some examples. There is never the same height for a row. It's jumping around with every panel change.




Would be very nice if there would be a way for switching that off.


All the best,

PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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On 7/25/2019 at 9:01 AM, HeiligerBimBam said:

If i create a second sidebar i am able to drag the height of the panels! 

That's true but my issue is more about that if you change upmost panel all the panels below change their sizes. I'd like to have an option for fixed panel heights.

I solved it like this:


Layers panel and some other panels on one side, the rest on the other side. 


PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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