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Boolean non destructive subtract issue

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I think this might be a bug, but since this is my very first post here, I don't want to start off by assuming it's a bug.  The problem I am having is when I try to subtract a shape/knockout a shape with the boolean operation.  It would appear that if the shape I want to subtract from is masking other shapes within, a non destructive mask doesn't seem to work for me.

I have made a video of the problem.  I first subtract destructively in all examples and then perform the non-destructive operation.  You will see once I have a shape masked, it performs differently.  I believe this should not be the case?¿?

Please find an affinity designer file and video attached.  If someone can help me out here, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Masking subtraction issue.afdesign

Edited by YYZ
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Welcome to the forums.

The above method isn't possible using Affinity Designer as it would require something like a nest option on the Layers panel after the compound has been made. It's been passed over to the developers to look into further.

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