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Not sure if this is the right place to discuss ... but ... well, title says it all. Can't actually believe it and would LOVE to give it a spin, but don't habe access to my computer for a week.

Corel claims feature parity between Windows and macOS -- can anyone confirm?

Anyways ... guess Affinity Designer and Photo have some proper, non-subscription competition now ...

1 hour ago, Jens Krebs said:

Anyways ... guess Affinity Designer and Photo have some proper, non-subscription competition now ...

Not sure about Draw... But comparing their photo editing program (PSP) to AP, is like comparing a roller skate, to a Rolls Royce! And. YES, I've used both (The photo editing programs, not the wheeled objects ;) )

1 hour ago, Jens Krebs said:

...Anyways ... guess Affinity Designer and Photo have some proper, non-subscription competition now ...

My main photo editor is PhotoLine. Has been around for ever. Both Mac & PC. Perpetual license as well.

Corel PhotoPaint I use for my duotone images. I would simply say it is more fully featured and more mature than Affinity Photo. 

Having used CorelDraw since it's beginning on Windows, I have no idea,how the features compare per se. I do understand that there is no ability to edit its options at this first release. So not even the chance to add or change commands. 


I used Draw a lot in the olden days on pc and it was ace at corrupting files you'd spent ages working, on so never want to see it again! I'll stick with Designer, thank you.

1 hour ago, Grotesker said:

I used Draw a lot in the olden days on pc and it was ace at corrupting files you'd spent ages working, on so never want to see it again! I'll stick with Designer, thank you.

I've used CD since its inception. While I didn't have issues of corrupted files (I did with various dialog positioning where the .ini file controlling them would corrupt), the back-in-the-day message boards and mail lists would have reports of the issues of file corruption. I've still got CD files going back to version 1.x. Not that even a halfway modern version can even open them...


Oh I miss CD since switching to Mac.  I'm just a hobbyist, so the price was right.  Fortunately at the same time of the switch, I heard of AD's beta.  Woohoo.....   But nearly 5 years later, I'm still loving the Mac - my affections to Affinity Designer have diminished.  So I checked into the CorelDRAW for Mac.  $500 outright, or subscription of $200 a year.  Out of my budget.  So I will keep waiting for some of the basic things such as offset / contour and keep hoping that someday Affinity Designer will catch up to my CorelDRAW X4.

Oh, and yes, maybe PhotoPaint has improved, but it was very lacking.  I always used their PaintShop Pro and it was great for my needs.


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