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I thought I had posted this yesterday but it seems to have disappeared so forgive me if this is a duplicate.

I have had an issue with exporting an A4 document to PDF/X1a:2003 - if you look at the attachments you will see that there is a box missing in the PDF version, and there is also some kind of hazy filter over most of the background image with a clear border round the edge.

Can anyone offer any advice about why this might be happening please? (Ignore the fact that the AF file is saved as v3 and the PDF is v6, I've lost track of my version control!)262355570_Capture-A4posterinAffinity.thumb.JPG.2e77d454c5b71f63bc7b80f872398b83.JPGACACIA A4 poster v6.pdfACACIA_A4_poster_v3.afpub


I don't see a box missing in your PDF. Which is it? I don't see a clear border round the edge. What are you using to view the PDF file?

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM


Step into Freedom box is missing. Border is not clear as such, sorry, it's that you can see the border of the background image without a haze over it. It's like I'd drawn a white transparent box over most of the page, leaving a little border round the edge. I'm viewing in Acrobat Reader.


I'm definitely seeing the Step into freedom. See screenshot from Acrobat. The lightening on the background picture is caused by the "Exposure adjustment" layer immediately above the photo. If you move it within the picture layer below it should be okay.



Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM


You're quite right, you can see Step into Freedom - the previous version I exported didn't have it, and I did nothing to change it in between, so you can understand my confusion!

I've tried moving the exposure adjustment down into the image layer (not sure why it wasn't there in the first place as I applied it via selecting the image) but I'm still getting a bit of a line down the left hand side, although much improved.



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