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I have a number of layers that I’d like to combine using the stack blending operators. Is there a way to convert a group of pixel layers into a stack?

If not, is there another way I can address the following problem. I’m trying to combine a sequence of frames taken from a tripod at fixed aperture/shutter/ISO in diminishing light (so the exposure is falling). I first imported them as a stack and applied the average operator, but this effectively produces less contribution from  the frames with lower exposure. I’d like to create a weighted average of the frames by first equalizing the exposure of each frame and then averaging them. I loaded the stack, ungrouped it, and adjusted the exposure of the individual frames. But now I can’t get them back into a stack to average them. Obviously I could export the individual layers and then load them back in as a new stack, but this is super tedious and I suspect there must be a better way  

Any advice/suggestions would be most welcome!

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