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I wanted to ask the Affinity team - why do you have so long update cycles? The current version of Affinity Photo for Mac is 11 months old! There are lots of bugs in the program, and it seems you are not really interested in fixing them (not quickly, anyway...)


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Hi wilczarz,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
We usually don't have long update cycles, but due to the development of Affinity Publisher and its tight integration with the rest of the suite (file format compatibility, features/UI/functionality parity, etc etc), the updates to Photo and Designer's retail versions are taking more time than usual. The corresponding Designer and Photo Customer Betas however have been updated regularly and contain fixes for various issues reported for the retail as well as several new features. Take a look at the corresponding sections on the forums and check the Customer Beta's threads pinned at the top of each section to keep on top of what's being done. You can also download/install them if you are willing to give them a try.

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Thanks for the response, but it solves nothing for me. The official version from the App Store is hanging for no apparent reason all the time. And your response is it install the beta? I understand you might have some bigger task blocking the pipeline, but eleven months? Come on!

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Hi wilczarz,
If you are having trouble/issues with the retail version please fill a bug report on the Bugs on Mac section so we can check them and help you/advise you. I wasn't saying for you to install the Beta but to check the corresponding threads for a log of the improvements/bug fixes that have been made since then (despite the time since the last update for the reasons explained, the program is still being actively developed). I then added that if you were willing to give them a try you could also do so since the betas are available for all customers - meaning its a resource you have if you want to pursue it, not a definite solution.

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