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I am scanning 50 old colour slides and adding information on the image using Frame Text Tool.  This has been working okay until yesterday (Monday).  Now when I open the Tool I get a large vertical flashing cursor around 7cms in length, font size is 12pt.  When I go to my chosen text size 30pt the cursor is circa 10cms in length.

To my knowledge I have not changed any settings and the only recent change to Affinity Photo is the downloading and installation of the freebee software that was offered some time ago. The re-download was due to purchasing a new iMac last April, the original downloads not being transferred to my new Mac.

I have quit Affinity Photo, re-booted my Mac and thrashed it with tree branch but it refuses to play nicely with me :D

Does anyone have a solution to this?




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Hi Peter069,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Do you mind attaching the afphoto file with the problematic text frame (you can delete the images to make the file smaller). Then press and hold ⌃(ctrl) while launching the program until a Clear User Data dialog appears. Keep the first three checkboxes ticked and press Clear. It should fix the cursor issue (hopefully).

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Hi MEB, thanks for your response.  When you say afphoto file are you referring to the actual image file?  I don't usually save images with the af tag....sorry, it's just me!

I tried the reset, twice in fact and nothing changed in respect of the Text Tool.

Perhaps thrashing my Mac with branch was not the sensible thing to do?


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DPI on the previous image was 300dpi.  I have resized the above image to 300dpi but it is blurred which I assume means that I will have to start again with it.  Not sure how I ended up with 2400dpi, I have checked a number of previous images and they are all 300dpi.

Sounds like I must have punched a wrong key somewhere?

Thank you I will start again with this image.


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Cool, thanks a million it works fine now.  Not sure how I ended up with 2400dpi as I'm using SilverFast scanning software and my scan options are consistent with each scan.  I have done in excess of 300 this past week and all the others have been fine.

Thanks for your time, it's much appreciated, I can now get back to scanning and processing my history.


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In SilverFast, I suspect that you are confounding Resolution in Samples per Inch (which could well be 2400) and the Photo Quality Dots per Inch, which could well be 300).

In this SilverFast screen capture, the Photo Quality is set at 300ppi and the Resolution is set at 2000ppi. My scanner will do 2000 and 4000 but not 2400 ppi.

Using the label ppi for the Scanner resolution is not really a good label, which has probably caused your confusion



Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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Hi John, understand what your saying, my confusion arose from the fact that I have been scanning consistently with Sliver Fast (or Silver Slow if you prefer) and have maintained the same settings throughout the exercise. 

I still cannot fathom how I ended with one scan that was totally different from the previous 299+, oddly in the last batch of 4.

MEB sorted it for me and I'll know what to look for if this happens again.  Given that once the slides are complete I have a lifetimes worth of photo negatives to go through, so I may end up as a jibbering wreck by the summer.

Thanks for responding.

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John, and mine are below.  I have a lot of Kodak Kodachrome 35mm slides.  Scanning at 48-24 bit to get a large tif.  I then try to enhance the photo in Affinity and save it as a jpg.  Because I am also placing some of my photo's on aviation specialist sites on the web I then create a lower quality jpg for just that purpose.  Some of my slides are now showing signs of age, I was in the RAF for 23 years so they have been dragged around the world a fair bit, but generally they are not in bad condition. I scan at a resolution of 4800ppi.

My only regret was that when I got my first SLR, a Minolta SRT101 in Singapore (1970)  I lacked the finances to also purchase a telephoto lens, so my post scanned images in some cases suffer from lots of cropping.


Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 14.40.00.jpg

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