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When bitmaps are placed and scaled (up or down) in Publish, what is the interpolation method used?
Also, what interpolation method is used when we Rasterize a bitmap layer?

Sometimes, I would like to have a bitmap scaled using the Nearest Neighbor mothod. Other times, Bilinear or Lanczos.
It would be great to be able to define a default method for all bitmaps in a document and, also, an individual setting, in the Resource Manager.


I know that images should not be resampled destructively.
It would be just a matter of display, print and exportation.
As it is now, it seems like a bilinear or bicubic method is being used for display/print.
And I do know that I can set the interpolation method of resampling when exporting.
But, it would be nice to be able to set a "bypass" method for individual images.
For example, I write software manuals and I use many screen captures of dialogs and icons. Sometimes, I prefer to have those images enlarged with the Nearest Neighbor method, so that the image doesn't become "soft".

10 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi rui_mac,
It's probably doing the same as Photo/Designer: using bilinear from the nearest mip-map when scaling down and from the source when upscaling.

APub has no option to set what happens if rescaling like AD does. It may happen behind the scenes as APub stupidly has a document DPI (and just as stupidly a document color space) and so if an image has a higher DPI than the DPI in the document set up, I guess that's when it can do so.

APub should absolutely not have a document DPI and it should not resample the original image at all.


The best and most versatile way would be:


- Have a document DPI (as it already has) to define the global resolution of the document and at what resolution should the images be resampled when printing or exporting.

- Have a global interpolation method, as a document default.

- Allow for each image to have an interpolation override.

- Use the global or individual interpolation method of interpolation when a layer is Rasterized.

5 minutes ago, MEB said:

It only resamples them destructively when you rasterise the layers.

Well, that wasn't very clear in your previous reply, was it?

APub does resample in the case of an image that is placed if that image has a higher DPI than the document set up. Why then isn't there the same option as in AD for a choice? Or is that not what that set up item in AD is for?

1 minute ago, rui_mac said:

...- Have a document DPI (as it already has) to define the global resolution of the document and at what resolution should the images be resampled when printing or exporting...

DPI should only affect raster effects as per ID. QXP doesn't have such a thing and always handles effects at export only (which is the best method to me).


I don't mind if the interpolation will only occur in the final stage (printing or exporting).
But we should have a way to define individual interpolations, per image, and not a "one option serves all".

11 minutes ago, rui_mac said:

I don't mind if the interpolation will only occur in the final stage (printing or exporting).
But we should have a way to define individual interpolations, per image, and not a "one option serves all".

If Serif leaves APub (and AD) the way it presently works, then I agree that there ought to be both a global and individual choice in interpolations.

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