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i purchased affinity designer some months ago and after i doing some things just for fun i have to say this is incomplete software.

this is what happened today...

i used corner tool to make rounded some dog shapes,guess what...after i resize the design no rounded anymore...its like i never used the corner tool.

i exported to png and svg and the problem is still there.

i used beta and stable version too.

right now corner tool is useless if i resize.

fix the software bugs please.

and sorry for my bad english.



If you make a tiny shape, round the corners slightly and then massively increase the size of the shape, the corners will look less rounded because the rounding doesn’t scale. But they will still be just as rounded as they were originally.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


this is what i did now step by step:i click on file,new and choose document dimensions 10000px10000px 300 dpi.
next i click 2 times on the zoom tool to make it 100% zoom for the bigger screen.
after this i start to do a dogs ear with the pen tool,ok now its time to round with the corner tool,it looks good.
the problem starts when i go back to my original dimensions document(zoom to fit) and i resize or scale it up the dogs ear,its not rounded anymore its only a ugly sharp ear,its like i never used the corner tool.


If you convert to curves (or click bake corners on the corner tool context tool bar) before scaling up then the corners will remain as you drew them.

The option to scale corners has been requested before, but is not currently available in Affinity.

Win10 Home x64   |   AMD Ryzen 7 2700X @ 3.7GHz   |   48 GB RAM   |   1TB SSD   |   nVidia GTX 1660   |   Wacom Intuos Pro

3 hours ago, StarterMan said:

this is what i did now step by step:i click on file,new and choose document dimensions 10000px10000px 300 dpi.
next i click 2 times on the zoom tool to make it 100% zoom for the bigger screen.
after this i start to do a dogs ear with the pen tool,ok now its time to round with the corner tool,it looks good.
the problem starts when i go back to my original dimensions document(zoom to fit) and i resize or scale it up the dogs ear,its not rounded anymore its only a ugly sharp ear,its like i never used the corner tool.

A 100 Megapixel image is quite an extreme size, what are you printing onto?

You can press CTRL+1 to zoom to 100%.

Did you bake the corners?


wow it works Aammppaa!
before i resize it i selected move tool and clicked on convert to curves like you said and now i have all rounded with a much better performance when resizing.
i almost say"rip corner tool" but fortunately the forum have nice guys willing to help.
thank you guys.
Mark,in the future i want to make some shirts,designs in png looks pixelated,thats why i like to use higher resolutions.
thanks one more time.

11 hours ago, StarterMan said:

Mark,in the future i want to make some shirts,designs in png looks pixelated,thats why i like to use higher resolutions.
thanks one more time.

If you're working with vector items, it won't make a difference what size document you work with (and you can export it at whatever size you like). i.e. you could make a 1px by 1px document, then export it at 10,000px by 10,000px later. Saying that, 10,000px at 300DPI is 33 inches - that's quite a large t-shirt!

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