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Affinity Photo Windows Customer Beta -

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Click here to download the latest beta

Status: Customer Beta
Purpose: Features, Improvements, Fixes
Requirements: A valid product key (for Affinity Store purchases), or an installation of the full retail version from the Microsoft Store

As this is a beta it is considered to be not suitable for production use. This means that you should not attempt to use it for commercial purposes or for any other activity that may be adversely affected by the application failing, including the total loss of any documents. 

We hope you enjoy the latest build, and as always, if you've got any problems, please don't hesitate to post a new thread in this forum and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks once again for your continued feedback.

If you have a general question about the software, please head over to the Questions Forum, or if you have any suggestions, please head over to the Feature Requests forum.


  • Significant performance improvements
    • Hopefully fixes issues related to performance degradation over time
    • Tone Mapping a 20MP image is now 10x faster
    • Opening ten 20MP CR2 files is now 3x faster
    • Developing a 20MP image is now 2x faster
    • Complicated documents are much more responsive
  • Fixed RGBA-32bit colour dodge
  • Fixed Colour Wheel pointer rendering
  • Fixed Linear Burn
  • Added subtract blend mode in LAB
  • Fixed export of PDF after Inpainting continuing to use old data
  • Fixed application hang when using Noise slider in Layer Effects
  • Added ability to drag and drop palette files into the application
  • Added ability to drag brushes into sub-brushes list during brush editing
  • Fixed dragging raster crop tool 
  • Fixed paint mixer brush failing to macro record
  • Added Duplicate Selection menu item (with the old behaviour), and Duplicate now ignores pixel selection so it is the same as Duplicate in Layers panel
  • Added persistence to Develop Tool settings Clipped Shadows, Highlights, and Tones
  • Fixed Levels histogram showing black lines in light UI mode
  • Fixed setting clone brush to Current Layer & Below will cause hard edges if the paint brush is over source point
  • Fixed Clone Origin fails to follow cursor when using Aligned
  • Fixed Layer Mask resize and Filter Effect scaling undo / redo
  • Fixed copying a selection on a rotated document doesn't paste the selected area
  • Changed Crop tool to use global snapping status
  • Fixed moving selections with Move tool not showing correct bounding box
  • Fixed rotating a raw image cuts part of the image off when you Develop
  • Fixed switching from polygonal selection to freehand gets stuck on mouse down
  • Allow custom crop tool history initial state for use in Develop 
  • Fixed New Stack creating a blank document with align images disabled
  • Fixed Develop Persona spacebar panning doesn't change cursor
  • Fixed White balance sample rectangle is detached from cursor on cropped or rotated images
  • Added deterministic progress Flatten, Merge Down, Rasterise
  • Allow creation of empty groups in Layers panel
  • Fixed Raster Flood Fill tool to add a raster layer when the selection is empty
  • Added Fill Primary / Fill Secondary to Edit menu

Please let us know your experiences with regards to the performance improvements. Initial testing suggestions that the performance improvements should scale linearly across device hardware (e.g. slower machines should benefit the same as faster machines).

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