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Zoom to linked document

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Once I select the linked document in the Layers pane, it highlights which is fine. It would be even better there was command in the rtclick menu, allowing to zoom to that document. At least in my workflow it is quite frequent sequence: Select linked document in the list, zoom to it and work on it... zooming as works now is quite cumbersome in this situation, it is quite easy to lose focus...

zoom to.jpg

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2 minutes ago, Ros. Riha said:

Once I select the linked document in the Layers pane, it highlights which is fine. It would be even better there was command in the rtclick menu, allowing to zoom to that document. 

Hello @Ros. Riha,

you can double click on the layer in the layers panel. This should zoom to the selected object.


Affinity Suite on Windows (V2) and iPad (V2). Beta testing when available.

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