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Drop Cap character style: wrong (inherited) colour

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Here, the first child of a green character style Anfangi remains green although the character colour is defined again as violet. I made it siblings in other colours, and they worked fine. It's just this one style that is stubborn.

If you detach the violet child style from the green parent, the colour will change.

Not a biggie, but you might want to squash that bug, too, in time.

drop cap.afpub

iMac 27" Retina 2017, 3,4 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 2400 MHz DDR4, OS X Mojave | Long-time Adobe veteran (I still remember Aldus Pagemaker, HA!), making the big move after going freelance. Running Publisher Beta along with Designer and Photo desktop versions. Loving what you guys are doing.

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2 hours ago, Sean P said:

Hi Läppä,

Thank you for the file! I've reproduced that and will get it passed along to development. As MikeW mentioned its interesting that the colour is corrected when you open the Edit dialog, but then reverts back after cancelling out for me! 

Yes, cancelling does revert the color, OK'ing confirms it though.

Still all wrong, but for now it seems this can be worked around.

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This has been adressed in You will probably need to reapply the paragraph style for this document, but the problem shouldn't recur for new documents.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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