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I have a quick question on how to change the properties of brushes. The options to change are width, size variance, and opacity variance. When I slide the button to increase or decrease an option, the only one that I can actually see that is changing is the width. How do I actually change the size and opacity variance? Is there a video that explains this?


Hi RenWaller :)

I suspect you will need to change the engine that controls your brushes size jitter, flow jitter etc. Please see the following video for more info!


 If you're still a little unsure please provide screenshots of your brushes settings currently and we can offer some more specific advice :)


Thanks Dan! That was very helpful as far as Affinity Photo (and I'm sure I will be referencing this in the future). Is there something similar for vector brushes in Designer or Publisher (I understand Publisher is probably unlikely as it's not released yet)?


No problem at all!

Unfortunately we don't have a similar video for Designer currently but we're working on new videos for all apps! In the Pixel Persona of Designer the brush editor works the same as in Photo, in terms of vector brushes, I recommend checking out the following third party tutorial for how to create your own!


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