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I use an older Wacom CTH-470 on the Mac and it works alright so far. - Related to an iPad + Pencil, usually I would say it's an advantage to draw directly on the screen instead of a seperate screenless device. Though the Affinity desktop versions do still offer more capabilities than the iPad versions so far. Also the lack of a real file system there (on the iPad) and fiddling around with cloud storage save/restore isn't everybodys bliss, so it always also depends on personal/individual preferences. However the drawing experience itself with a pencil is quite good on iPads when compared to a plain screenless tablet.


☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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Hi v_kyr. 

I thought so too. Before i used wacom, i used an iPad to make my illustration. And me personally prefer iPad over wacom.l, but wasnt sure if its just me. Though i think The file management issue could be solved if they can make the continuity work. Right now when i use affinity file on one device. I see it pop up on my other device in continuity style, but when i click, it merely opens the app and thats all. 

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