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I know questions about colours changing from creation to export in affinity designer have been asked before, but I've followed the advice to make sure the profiles remain consistent. I've noticed when I view the document in affinity and as thumbnails in windows the coiours match, but when I open the exported image anywhere the colours darken? I tried to screenshot affinity designer to show you the difference but the colours in the screenshot went darker too. I've never had this issue in illustrator. Any help appreciated! 

  • Staff

Hi @spalmerdesign,

Welcome to the forums. 

Sounds like an ICC profile issue to me. 

It would be helpful if you attach the .afdesign file and the exported file, preferably in a ZIP format, just to make sure the metadata does not get stripped by the forum algorithm. 




Hey, thanks for the reply :)

I've attached my base file and the exported document (hopefully I've done it right). I've tried exporting it in different formats and checking the color profiles but I've had no luck. I've also attached my old logo done in illustrator. The colors in this are very similar to what it should be like in affinity. Thanks for the help!

CO Logo.zip


  • Staff

I cannot see any difference. The bottom right image would be black as Windows thumbnail does not support transparency by the looks of it. 


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