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Multi-page table?

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I am not sure about InDesign, but linked tables are not available in PagePlus either. They are not considered text, so they do not fit into a text frame. For presenting a table of information that may span pages, you could create multi-column text frames which can be linked. You can then adjust spacing as desired for column size and row size. Cell borders can be fudged with paragraph borders. Not as effective as linked tables, but it works.

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18 hours ago, Bhikkhu Pesala said:

In PagePlus X9, tables can autoflow between pages, either horizontally (columns) or vertically (rows). 

I've been playing with tables in PagePlus X9. I agree that you can split tables by using the Flow Down, and then place the spawned table on another page, you can do this several times to obtain a table that spans several pages, but the table does not autoflow. If you add a row in the first page of the table, it will make the table longer, it won't flow the remaining rows to the spawned tables. You need to do that yourself by readjusting the first table page length, then the second, and so on to the last spawned table. So, you want to get your table right the first time.

That said, it offers much more than the rudimentary table available in APub right now. which does not provide any means of splitting or linking. Hopefully that will come soon. The developers are adding new bits and pieces with each beta release.

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