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Version, Mac OS Mojave

Recurring problem: I create a text frame and fill it with text. Then I shrink the text frame so that text overflows. As soon as I click on the red triangle and draw a new text frame with it, the text appears in the new/second frame in far too large a format. Previous formatting e.g. 14 pt and in the new text frame 50 pt.

This error is reproducible and appears in several of my documents.

If I then mark the entire text in both text frames and apply the original format (e.g. 14 pt) with the help of a text style, the text in the first text frame becomes very small (e.g. 2.9 pt). Here are two screenshots with before and after.




  • Staff

Hi Neihnah,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Have you used the lowest (independent) handle on the bottom right of the text frame at some point? The lowest independent handle scales the text frame along with the text (it doesn't reflow text), while the other one the bottom right over the frame boundary reflows the text within the frame. Messing with the independent handle (the lowest one) will lead to text with different sizes when you click the arrow to create and link to a new text frame since it will keep the size of the text on the original text frame before it was scaled with the lowest/independent handle.


Dear MEB,

thanks for you quick reaction and the tip with the handle - I didn't know it yet. And that already answered your question: no, I hadn't used it before.

The described error occurs when I use the red triangle to let the text continue in a new text frame.


4 hours ago, Neihnah said:

The described error occurs when I use the red triangle to let the text continue in a new text frame.

Yes, but if you had used that handle on either frame then the text that flowed into it (whether before or after the handle was used) would have been magnified along with it.

Think of the handle as setting a magnification factor for the frame: if it is sized to 2x, then text which is configured as 12 points will show up as 24 points in the frame - if you link a 1x frame to a 2x frame then one of them will show text twice as large as the other when the text is set to the same point size in both.

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