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What kind of break do you mean? Are you trying to force hyphenation, or to introduce a line break instead of a paragraph break?

By the way, this thread belongs in the Discussions and suggestions for Affinity Publisher Beta on desktop forum, not the Tutorials forum. As the forum description indicates, this forum is for Serif- and customer-created tutorials.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


thanks for your reply,

I tried to force some words at the end of a line in a paragraph not to auto hyphenation

sometimes there are words that I dont want to Hyphenate, like names and places

in ID its possible to correct that by a 'no break' command

is there a command like that in Publisher, I did'nt find it


There are several ways. There is a No break attribute at the bottom of the Position and Transform section of the Character panel. That is analogous to the InDesign feature, and can be used with character styles.

You can over-ride the automatic hyphenation by inserting a soft hyphen, that will be used as a hyphenation point only if needed. Inserting one at the start of the word will stop it hyphenating that word entirely. The menu option for this is Text > Insert > Dashes and Hyphens > Soft Hyphen and there is a default keyboard shortcut.

You can tweak how the hyphenation algorithm works generally from the Hyphenation section of the Paragraph panel. For example, you can stop it hyphenating words that are in CAPITALS by setting the Capital zone to a large number.

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