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Snap and stay Snapped

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I have searched for a solution to this, but maybe I am not using the right keywords, or the right approach to the problem at all...

I have two paths, A and B. The node at the end of B, when I create it, is "snapped" to the path of A somewhere near the middle. However if I alter path A, I would like for the end of path B to move along with it... a sort of "persistent snapping, if you will". Instead, path B stays put and a gap opens between the two paths. See the attached screenshot for an example.

Is there some way to achieve this? Perhaps a different approach to that which I'm using? It would really help a lot when I go in to "clean up" my paths after a first cut.

Thanks... Jon



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Select the nodes, tap the little white triangle on bottom context menu, then tap Join.



M1 IPad Air 10.9/256GB   lpadOS 17.1.1 Apple Pencil (2nd gen).
Affinity Photo 1.10.5 Affinity Design 1.10.5 
Affinity Publisher 2, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and betas.

Official Online iPad Help documents (multi-lingual) here: https://affinity.https://affinity.help/ 


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Hi DM1,

Thanks for your response, but I think that only works when joining two paths, end to end.

What I would like is for the end node of path B (see my sshot above) to either stay snapped to the path of A (not necessarily at the end). Or perhaps the end of path B could "share" one of the nodes that defines path A (again, not an end node, but maybe an intermediate node).

Is something like that possible?

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You can select 'both' curves and they will move together. I was able to join to a central node on one attempt but haven't been able to repeat it (not sure what I did that enabled the join and I had already undone it to try again. 

M1 IPad Air 10.9/256GB   lpadOS 17.1.1 Apple Pencil (2nd gen).
Affinity Photo 1.10.5 Affinity Design 1.10.5 
Affinity Publisher 2, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and betas.

Official Online iPad Help documents (multi-lingual) here: https://affinity.https://affinity.help/ 


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That would work if I wanted to move both curves, as is, together. But what I probably didn't explain very well is that I want the starting node of path B (toward the right side of the screen) to stay put, and the ending node of B (snapped to path A) to move along with path A... almost as if path B were a rubber band.

I tried snapping the end of path B to a middle node on path A and then "joining", but of course it joined the end of path B to the end of path A, and not the node I wanted it to snap to.

But thanks again for your interest and suggestions... Jon

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The Help file is a little unclear, Reading it states you can select both curves and join any node, but it seems it only joins end node! Maybe mods can help clarify.

M1 IPad Air 10.9/256GB   lpadOS 17.1.1 Apple Pencil (2nd gen).
Affinity Photo 1.10.5 Affinity Design 1.10.5 
Affinity Publisher 2, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and betas.

Official Online iPad Help documents (multi-lingual) here: https://affinity.https://affinity.help/ 


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