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we have got problems handling files on our NAS with the SMB protocol.

If we try to open a file stored on the NAS, Affinity Photo and Designer are saying: "The file is already opened in another program."
Connecting the NAS via AFP resolves the Problem, but SMB would be still the better choice in our invoirement including better performance.

There are no comparable problems with other programs (Apple, Adobe, Microsoft, ...) on Mac OS X 10.13.6.
Any advice?

By the way ... you guys did a great job, i love Affinity tools and i´m looking forward for the final release of Publisher.

Thank you in advance and best Regards


  • Staff

HI @Stefan Resta,

Welcome to the forums. 

We would not recommend working directly of a NAS or any network drivers, because if it gets disconnected, you would lose all your work and cannot save back to the file. 

More, SMB is a Windows protocol and not designed to fully work with Mac. There are known issues with SMB support on Mac (General bugs/issues, not Affinity related) and that's probably why you get the error message :)



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