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Completely and totally living on iPad. Possible?

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Hello all.

I am currently looking into replacing my aging MacBook Pro. However Apple is on the verge of making the new iPad Pro available and according to the geekbench scores I've seen this thing seems like it's going to be a powerhouse. I am actually considering going "full mobile" and purchasing one of these. I am a Lightroom user and the mobile version is definitely currently not up to par with the Mac version with things as simple as being able to copy adjustments from one photo to others not being available.

So my questions for knowledgeable Affinity for iPad users would be :

1. How easy it is to handle 100+ photos per session batches i.e. let's say I have 20 shots taken with the exact lighting conditions, can I copy the adjustments from the first photo to the others in a single operation?

2. How "do you live" on the iPad? What I mean, if I import my photoshoot directly onto the iPad I assume the photos will end up in the camera roll. I suppose I can then move them to the Dropbox app so they will sync to the cloud? Will I be able to edit them with Affinity then? Or would it be better to edit them from the camera roll and then move them to Dropbox? I guess what I am asking here is what is your workflow?

3. Is is really possible to only use the iPad or must a PC/Mac be involved at some point?

Thank you for any information you can provide.

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I've really fought photo editing on the iPad. I have AP and all the Adobe apps, but I just do better in Lightroom on my desktop before I need the Photoshop/AP step. I don't like the RAW engine Apple has on the iPad. Try as I have I just can't get the same image quality from a RAW file on the iPad as I can from Desktop LR. But for my Illustration and now design, I've really enjoyed using the iPad as my primary content creation device for a while now. It's long replaced a Wacom Cintiq and Photoshop.

As far as can it replace a standard computer - I think this has a lot to do with how much RAM they start jamming in the iPad pro. The Gen 3 looks like a monster, but we'll have to see how it handles with the limited RAM they still have injected into it (6GB on 1TB models and 4GB on all others). It's an improvement over what we currently have, but it's nothing compared to what's in a desktop/laptop or how it's handled by the OS. I know iOS's ARM chips handle RAM differently, but I'm not that well versed in the tech to know what that magic number is.

But back to photo editing. One thing that's holding me back is the way the file system is implemented within the Files App. It's a step in the right direction for sure, and it's what has allowed the beginnings of an actual professional creative workflow for me,  but it needs to mature a little more. You can operate without dumping hundreds of images in your camera roll as in the case of AD and AP you can store the images on the iPad or in the app storage while you work on them. You'll have to rely on a computer, server, iCloud, Dropbox, etc. to store your multi image jobs once you're done working on them. And that doesn't exactly allow quick access if a client needs something "real quick". I suppose it's up to you if you can live within the existing limitations. But as far as processing power goes, it's definitely there.

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On 11/3/2018 at 5:32 PM, Phojoegraphy said:

You'll have to rely on a computer, server, iCloud, Dropbox, etc. to store your multi image jobs once you're done working on them. And that doesn't exactly allow quick access if a client needs something "real quick". I suppose it's up to you if you can live within the existing limitations. But as far as processing power goes, it's definitely there.

That's a solid tip right there. Thanks again!

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5 hours ago, TheEvilDonut said:

Thank you so much for the information!

How about syncing settings between a group of photos with identical lighting conditions? Is it feasible on AP for iPad?

No problem. I honestly don't use AP much. I have it on both the desktop and iPad, but don't batch RAW files through it. I'll have to give it a shot for batch processing. I just don't think it's economical yet to use AP on iPad to batch RAW files. 

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