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As you can see in my signature my Mac Hardware is getting to 'that' age.

Affinity Photo quite often responds slowly (slower than I expect it to).

Upgrading my setup is a likely cure but - you know what comes next - financially challenging.

Originally AP proved to run snappily enough but now goes down regularly (Raf raw files). I have enquired of this site and Serif as to the reason for this with no success.

So opinions please. Will a substantial updating eg. iMac 27" maxed out be the solution or is there a mid price option that can do the job. I do know the old adage of top of the range lasts longer but nowI have reached the final upgrade point that seems a little like 'fuzzy logic'.

I do not intend moving from Fuji so it is the Raf file handling that is the main ball of contention. Will Serif sort that that for me and the Fuji users or is it just more grunt needed?

Confused question, I know but if it wasn't I probably would not be asking it!

All responses gratefully received.

MacPro (late 2013), 24Gb Ram, D300GPU, Eizo 24",1TB Samsung 850 Archive, 2x2Tb Time Machine,X-t2 plus 50-140mm & 18-55mm. AP, FRV & RawFile Converter (Silkypix).

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Hi Sharkey,
I suggest you wait a little more for Photo 1.7 before taking a decision. It should be available as a Customer Beta in a couple weeks and may perform way better than the current version (depends on your hardware - seems you have removed your signature so I don't know what you currently have).

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Hello Matey,

thanks for quick answer.

Signature now in place and Avatar to be done soon - lot older looking now ;-(

Will the 1.7 iteration really sort the Raf file problem or is that supposition?

MacPro (late 2013), 24Gb Ram, D300GPU, Eizo 24",1TB Samsung 850 Archive, 2x2Tb Time Machine,X-t2 plus 50-140mm & 18-55mm. AP, FRV & RawFile Converter (Silkypix).

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Hi Sharkey,
I don't know/can't assure you that. I'm still running the 1.6.7 version (the same as you) but I know there's improvements to the way we handle RAW files/performance so it may help a little (or not) in your case. As I said the Customer Beta should be available in a couple weeks so you will be able to judge for yourself if you need an upgrade and what aspects to consider when doing so.

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1 hour ago, MEB said:

As I said the Costumer Beta should be available in a couple weeks

But Halloween is in a couple of days, that'll be too late!!!!

I've seen that before.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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