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RGB indicator for histogram

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Hi to all, 

I would like to suggest an RGB indicator for the histogram in Affinity Photo, notably in the Photo Persona, but it would of course be good to have it in all the Personas.

I've attached an image below showing the RGB indicator in RawTherapee as an example; it's the bar underneath the histogram, indicating where the R, G, B and luminance values of the hovered-over pixel fall in the histogram. I took this screen shot with my mouse positioned over the band of trees in the image.

I find this indicator to be extremely useful, especially as a quick way of verifying details in very deep shadows or very bright highlights. It lets you see instantly, for example, if all channels are blown out, or if you have just one channel blown out with others still contributing detail. Seeing the position of the pixel value in the histogram is, at least for me, much more informative than the simple number given by the Info box.




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