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Sort order combo box

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Hey Typo998,

I believe the font weights should be placed in order of weight (Narrow at the bottom and Bold at the bottom.

Blend Modes should be ordered in groups of what they do and you'd usually want Normal to be at the top for convenience. 

The others you've raised could probably do with some developer consideration though. I'll pass your feedback on though. Thanks :) 

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I think the decoration positions are - and should be, in my opinion - listed from the lowest (top of the list) to the highest (bottom of the list).
In other words, the further you go down the list the higher - in relation to the text - the position of the decoration will be.
This in in-tune with the font variant size - narrowest (smallest thickness) at the top, thickest at the bottom, as already said - and would be confusing if it was in alphabetical order.

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