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Improve Gradient Panel **Beggarly**

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This has been bugging me for a long time. The Gradient Panel's extreme edges cannot be deleted. My request is not to delete them, but to replace them with the next available color if it detects at least 1 node in addition to the opposite extreme node. This would work for both left and right extreme nodes.


Let's consider the workflow as it is today:


1. A decision is made to replace Red with the color Purple. If the Gradient panel were smart enough to allow me to Delete red if it detects an existing color between itself and the left extreme, then it would automatically position purple as the New gradient at the far left. That's all it would take to accomplish my goal. However let's continue with the steps required to make this happen....



2. When I switch to Purple. There is no immediate way for me to make the change. However using my brain, I think "let me try to use the color picker over the purple note to get the color" -- No, the color picker only works with elements in the workspace. This means that I have to take the unwieldy step to position my current workspace so that I'm able to get the color. This involves possibly zooming and moving scrollbars (which automatically close the Gradient panel), so I have to repeat Step 2 from the beginning once I have the color in sight. After which I have to then spend time trying to get the exact color from the element. Granted, I do not need to take these steps because all I need to do is acquire the RGB value from purple and type into Red. I get that but I'm trying to cut corners and I'm demonstrating how these simple changes could improve usability.



3. So now its time to get the color. But Oh wait, I'm in color wheel which I prefer using especially in experimental occasions. I need to take further steps to change the Color tool.



4. I have changed the color tool to get the values. At this point I have to remember the values or write them down. 



5. I have finally applied the same color values to the extreme left.



6. I can now Delete the old purple.



GOD FORBID I CHANGE MY MIND AGAIN. I am using all caps light heartedly, but in my head that's the volume I use and it just chokes me out. I just don't want to bother experimenting finding good color schemes when I have to deal with this workflow.

I have presumed for a long time, "I can't be the only one suffering with this thing, surely someone has already complained about it and they will enhance" but I can't wait anymore so I posted today.


One final note, Copy on the Right extreme should work. There should be no reason it shouldn't. Just insert an extra node between itself and the next node at 50%. Why is that crazy enough to not be working already?





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Hi rjvela82
Taking your screenshot/point 1 as reference: using the gradient handle/control on canvas, not in the gradient pop-up, (object with gradient and Gradient Tool must be selected to be able to see it) - drag the purple node over the red node on the left end to replace it. I'm checking if we already have this logged for improvement and will do so in case it's not. Thank you for your feedback.

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