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Reliable crashes with AutoCorrect

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Affinity Publisher on Windows 7 (64bit, German) behaves as follows:

  • Create a new document with a frame text in it and start typing with 'Replace text while typing' switched on (text style is [No Style]).
  • Typing (c) followed by a space auto-corrects into ©. Fine.
  • Typing (C) followed by a space simply stalls the program until eternity, so that it needs to be killed manually.
  • The same is valid for the following combinations: (r) works, (R) crashes.
  • By default, if I enter either (p) or (P), nothing is automatically replaced. I guess wildly that this is because auto-correction of (p) is not mentioned in the German replacement list, so this seems to be OK. Unfortunately, if I manually insert it into the German replacement list, typing (p) properly works, and (P) crashes.
  • By some reason, both (tm) and (TM) work properly.

Andreas Weidner

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