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CMYK document RGB text

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HI TomGerritzen

I can't say I'm getting this. If I use the CMYK sliders then it gives me a CMYK value for the text, even if i change the document to RGB. Was it originally done using RGB sliders of in an RGB document that was then converted to CMYK?


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Hm. Although I cannot recall starting out with an RGB document, I just might have done that. Because when I explicitly create a new document with CMYK/8 colour this doesn't happen. Either way, I am not amused. Once I change the intent of the document (type Pre-Press instead of Print), or simply change the Colour Format to CMYK I expect colours to be in CMYK format. I understand that everything before that point must be converted and therefore will not be the same, but it's strange that I get to stick with RGB colours. Although once I output a PDF/X everything will turn into CMYK, so it might not be such a problem.

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