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Simple stomach illustration


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Certainly not offensive but not to everyone's taste - but we all have one. Note this is done in Photo not Designer which would be the usual tool of choice for this sort of thing. 

I had to illustrate stomach to show the oesophagus, lower oesophageal sphincter and "angle of His" to go with a piece about GERD in infants and how some young/new mothers were being shamed into buying fresh produce when there are perfectly good (and sometimes superior!) products available from the major manufactures.

The public domain images all have a lot more detail than I needed so I opted for this adapted trace (it's a little rough as I'm no expert with the pen tool).  What makes this special is the wonderful way that Photo does graduated fills so there's a almost a 3d effect going on. The highlights are just short, stroked curves using a variable pen pressure (another feature I just adore) and then rasterised and blurred using Gaussian blur until the desired effect is achieved. It's not going to win me any prizes but it shows just how versatile Photo is.


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