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Drag and drop behaviour

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Dragging and dropping, or placing, image files into a Publisher document treats the images as if they were 72ppi - in an ideal world the actual ppi would be honoured. If images have already been sized in Photo or whatever, it's pain in the neck rescaling everything or drawing boxes of the correct size.

For example, if I have a TIFF file that has been sized to 20cm x 30cm, I'd expect it to come into publisher at exactly that size whether it's 72ppi, 300ppi or 471ppi.

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HI Chris_Pearson

I have treid placing and dragging and dropping a 20cmx30cm image saved at 72DPI, 300PDI and 471DPI and they all appear on the page as the same size here. Can you give anymore detail about the document setup in publisher and possibly any example images that demonstrate your issue?


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I've discovered a another problem with placing pictures.

If i take a image frame and Place picture in most cases it will fit automatically but in rare cases it will be placed at proper dpi/size not respecting image frame dimensions.

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