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I don't know if I said or report the issues that Affinity Designer have (I didn't tried in Photo, I don't know if have the same Issue) when you make a curve with brush or Pen Tool and then you expand this stroke/curve and the corners instead look smooth, looks like polygon, sharp and I have to fixed. Sometimes look smooth, sometimes looks sharp.

I would like that you can apply wrap/envelope to a text without convert the text to a path (like in Corel).

Some features for the future:

An additional color palette similar that Inkscape and Corel, but I would like something more original, different.

Option for add a node in the center between 2 nodes.

Now we have 3 options in path Mode "Conver to Sharp, Convert to Smooth and Convert to Smart" I would like another "Convert to Asymmetric".

Show and Hide Transform Square in a node selection, when you select a node or some nodes, you can click a button that show the transform square where you can Scale and rotate the selected nodes.

Option for threat each character from a Text for separate without convert the text to a path. When you create a Text "Test", you can rotate the T, down the e, move the s to the right and rotate little bit without convert this text to a path, something similar like in Corel.

Blend tool for path, create a circle and a Square and when you apply the blend, it will create objects from the circle converting to square, like in inkscape.

Addon where you can find images from google, shutterstock, etc... with the option of add more search's engines.

A Font identifier, it will make you easier identify a font and find similar fonts.


If I got more ideas I will post let y'all know.


Please, can y'all launch the Affinity Designer update before I spend my money?

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