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My wishes List on Publisher.

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So here comes my actual wishes List comming from the needs of our company, a 500 employee Architectural Bureau.

We devellope Architecture all over the World esp. in Asia and Europe.   So Comunication with other People and the ability to sent Content to Partners and get it Back is on top of our list..

So Beginning from Important to less important for us:

  1. Make Indesign Documents Readable and Writable. The World still gets dominated by Adobe Products which we cant ignore..  At last reading and Writing of Idml files is a must have..
  2. Packaging of Data is a must have to. Again this is needed for Working Colaborations with external People for example the Greenplaning Department.. 
  3. Fokus a bit more on longer Documents.  Make Textframes on the Masterpages usable so that you dont have to position them manualy on dozens ore hundret of Pages.
  4. Inline Graphics is needed. And yes i know, Affinity already is aware of this.
  5. Prefly..    a must have again on longer Documents.  Imagine of Changing the Textstyle only a bit, and everything breaks away. And you have to search for overhead text on 300 Pages..
  6. Organising Paragraph styles and Textstyles rather with Folder, you organise on your own...  Not sure if publishers aproach is better. But my actual feeling is.. That most user are much better by thinking in Folderstructures.. and not by hirarchical structured Styles  wich i still like to have as an option .
  7. Foot and Endnotes...  sure this is allready on the list.
  8. Headlines that spann over several collums in the text..  untill now you have to make a seperated Textframe.. but this doesnt move, when your text is floating...  again you would have to corret this by hand.
  9. Merge Documents for long text or writing a book
  10. epublish together with hyperlinks
  11. Page Continues at / from..
  12. make  Bookspines possible in the pages setup...

Well thats what i found so far, not beeing to deep in Printdesign, but from researching this forum and the needs of our Company..


If i only would be able to select Three of this wishes.

It would be   :    Making indesign Read and writable (at last idml)   /   Packaging Data  /  and improving Options for long Documents

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