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shape builder tool

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Yes, such a tool would be great, but you can get the same result in another way.
Use the tools divide and combine. With the dividing tool you can overlappng shapes divide in single elements and with the combine tool you combine selectet elements to one element. It´s not the same as the shape builder tool from the other prgramm, but it´s similar to this.
The tools you find here:


Perhaps one day we will get a shape builder tool :)

Have a nice day.
Ich wünsche einen schönen Tag.

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I've not used this "shape builder" tool myself, so I don't know what it does/did, but if you keep Alt pressed down while selecting a geometry tool - such as Subtract, Combine, etc. - a new compound shape is created that contains the original shapes that are still editable. It's a very useful bit of functionality.

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On 11/4/2018 at 4:02 AM, GarryP said:

I've not used this "shape builder" tool myself, so I don't know what it does/did, but if you keep Alt pressed down while selecting a geometry tool - such as Subtract, Combine, etc. - a new compound shape is created that contains the original shapes that are still editable. It's a very useful bit of functionality.

It's a really quick way to create shapes by combining/subtracting parts of overlaping objects (the more objects you have, the more you will see how this Tools saves you a lot of time). Here is an example:

Best regards!

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  • 1 month later...

+1 This would save a lot of time when creating complex shapes!

I can live with the existing tools too, but when we need to divide a shape into multiple different shapes, using something similar as mentioned above, would be really helpful. Alternately, using lines as dividers would also help. Right now you can make boolean operations only using shapes, not with shapes + lines (or curves without closed ends). This would be a big steps towards the perfect shape building tool.

Branding, Identity Design, UI/UX Design.    |    https://whitex.design

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Yes, I know about that @reglico, but we're trying to replicate some kind of "shape builder" functionality, and if we divide multiple shapes with a stroke that has been converted to curves, we won't be able to merge them with boolean operations afterwards, because the width of the stroke will make a gap between the parts...

So, as a first step it would be nice to be able to "divide" shapes using strokes.


Most of the functionality is already present, we would need some advanced selection features (see second part of the inkscape video): 

Once that selection feature is implemented it would be "nice to have" that the selected shapes would be somehow highlighted, but if we'll get the advanced selection feature, that'll be almost enough :)

Branding, Identity Design, UI/UX Design.    |    https://whitex.design

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