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Assets and two wishes....

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I just installed the new Beta of Publisher and one serius bug is gone..   My Assets are visible now very well... 

I would like to see this improved..

  1. I would like to be able to fill up the content using for example the windows explorer and use Drag and drop....  untill now this doesnt work. i first have to place somethig in the document and then i can bring it to my assets..  and even inside of publisher here drag and drop isn´t working...
  2. I would like to have an asset libary, available for my whole company..     We are about 500 Architects...  sure 100 of them will have to use publisher or indesign..  Now a well organised Assetlibary would ease their live extremely..  for CI and so on..  so please, i could imagine, this isnt to hard to do..   so i would like to be able to point our publisher clones to one directory on the server and also would like to be able to configure this phath while installation using our softwaredistribution software configured from our Admins..  So each user gets his Assets well configured from startup and doesnt have to think about path, configuration and so on..  this by the way also is true for Color Chemes of our CI i would llike to have from Startup...



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