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How do I select the location to export to from an export dialogue?

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I'm slicing an image for web use. I'm learning how to use the export persona.

I've created a slice and I'm trying to export it.

Within the 'slices' view I've created an area to slice. I've clicked an icon that brings up the 'Export' dialogue. The dialogue lets me choose a name for the slice and a location to save to.

For the location I'm presented with a dropdown menu with the label 'where'. The dropdown gives me a selection of options for locations to save to.

But I'd like to save the slice to a location that isn't listed.

Strictly speaking this might not be a Affinity Photo issue. The macOS GUI for navigating directories is pretty terrible, and I think Photo might just be hooking into it when it presents the Export dialogue. But still, I'm stuck. It's tedious having to save in an unrelated directory before having to pull up the terminal to move the asset to the correct directory. :/


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Hi bobdobbs :)

When in the export Persona and selecting the 'Export Slices' option (circled in red below) you should be presented with the following file explorer, which will allow you to choose any location on your hard drive, or create a new one.


If I've misunderstood your issue then please let me know and we can look into this for you!


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