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Basic newbie crop/re-size question

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I am a long-time Photoshop user (CS-2 currently) and am looking for a program to use on a new computer that will do basic operations that I have been doing routinely in Photoshop. Among many other things, I photograph high school football games. I have a Windows 7 system and use a Nikon D-7100 camera. After shooting a game, I put all the images from the shoot in a file with the name and date of the game. I then go through all images and select the best shots. I put these in a file for further editing. Then I open each image, straighten and crop them to 8 x 10 inch size. I also do any corrections needed (color, exposure, etc.) and save all the 8 x 10's in another file. I then burn a CD of that file. With Affinity Photo, I was able to straighten and crop the images but couldn't figure out how to re-size them (reduce or enlarge) to 8 x 10s. How do I perform this operation?

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