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Export page spread as individual pages

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Hi all, could not find this via search or find a solution within the program.

As stated in the title, I'm trying to export a page spread (2 x A5) so that the resulting PDF won't be a single page (A4 size), but two single A5 pages.

The only workaround I could come up with is to save as PDF from the print menu with the paper size set to A5 and the print size (scale)  set to 100% (which in turn marks the preview all red because the document can't really fit an A5 page because of it's trim margins). The exported PDF appears fine to me, but getting to it seems a bit wonky. Is this not possible any other way? Or am I missing the obvious?

Still a pretty amazing app though, will definitely buy.

Cheers and thank you!


Edit: I realized after the fact that my workaround won't be sufficient. It puts out pages in normal A5 size, while I need A5 + 3 mm trim margins all around…

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