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Smudge Tool Tweak

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I’ve been using Affinity Products since Photo debuted on the iPad. There is one thing that has troubled me from the beginning; the smudge tool. It’s like the percentage you set strength on determines a stopping point, rather than a level of influence per strike. If I set it to a certain percentage, work an area to said stopping point, the smudge tool seems unable to effect that area until I set the strength percentage to a higer setting. This can’t be adjusted with Fill because then it effects my stroke length.  I like apps that allow me to have the smudge tool on one setting and still have an infinite range of blending. Example: in Procreate I can have the smudge tool set two thirds of the way up on opacity and, with pressure only, I can tease the surface softly or bear down and obliterate an area. This is how I work. I bounce between painting and blending constantly. 

Seriously, it has taken me forever to step forward to express this because I soooooo don’t have the time LOL. But I adore both Affinity Photo & Designer to the level (especially with the release of Designer for iPad) that I’d much rather stay within the Affinity eco system to do my blending instead of app outsourcing. Everything else I need is there, until I jump to my desktop. But this is the one thing that repeadly erks me. Please give it consideration.

Bravo, BTW, Affinity Team, for such INCREDIBLE work on your entire package. Simply gorgeous!!!!

Thank You!

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