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Fonts and Undo

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Hi All,

Still learning with this so I may not have encountered the features of AfPub. 

Is there a universal Undo, a button on the top button bar which you can use to undo all actions? I use Xara Designer and Xara Webpage Designer, they have good systems in place for the Undo function. So far I have used Undo in the Text menu feature.

Also, Xara have an excellent feature with fonts, in which your font menu is split with recent fonts in a small section at the top. The fonts used in existing files could be filtered out and loaded into this shortcut  menu, together with your most commonly used fonts. Makes everything slicker and friendly to use.

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@Bri_G Have you looked at the History panel?  By default, it's displayed in the lower right corner and it allows you to rewind multiple undo's.  Limited, I presume, by the the Preferences > Performance > Undo Limit setting which has defaulted to 1024 on my install.  I've never used the Xara tools so I don't know if this comes close, but you might find this satisfactory.


—— Gary ——

Photo/Designer/Publisher: Affinity Store, v2.5.n release (and, since I have the space, the last v1 versions too).

Mac mini (M1, 2020), 16GB/2TB, macOS Sonoma
iPad Pro (M4) 13", 1TB, Apple Pencil Pro, iPadOS 17.6.1
MacBook Pro (Intel), macOS Sonoma
Windows 10 via VMware Fusion

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@GaryLearn Tech - thanks for posting that, I didn't know about the undo function in the corner. But, I think thre function provided is a little over the top. I much prefer the two button spproch on the button bar for undo/redo which is universal. If you want to refine that a drop down selection for category would be better. The use of sliders for things like this I find painfull to use.

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You don’t have to use the slider. You can just click an entry in the history list.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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