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Eyedropper Tool with Artistic Text selection

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I don't know if this is a "bug" or a "suggestion" - it's just based on how I work with the Artistic text tool.

If I have a heading saying for example "our values", and I just click-drag the word "values", if I want the change the colour of the word "values", I click on eyedropper to quickly pick a screen colour and the text gets de-selected and the colour of the whole phrase gets changed. If instead I have "values" selected and I click in the colour panel and drag the colour to, for example, black, it works fine on changing the colour on just my text selection.

I would like to be able to change colour of only the highlighted artistic text using the eyedropper as I cannot always pick the exact same colour using the colour panel.

- just a thought.



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Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums :)

Rather than the colour picker tool (on the right toolbar, which is slightly different and allows the creation of gradients and other things) Try using the one on the Colour panel, which can be dragged over any colour without changing the current text selection and can change the colour of characters or words as you wish, so at least there is a work around.

I think it may well be a bug that the Colour picker tool applies to the whole object, where for artistic text it should probably be overridden to apply to the character selection, but I do not know the tool hierarchy so will ask.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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