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quicker way with layers . (+ brushes / selections)

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Not much here for the experienced affinity users ;)
After watching Affinity videos I have noticed there is very little mention of the icons at the bottom of the layer panel for Mask adding / adjustments / layer effects / live filters / group layers / new layer / remove layer .
All the tools can be reached in other ways and places; however I feel clicking the icon is far easier and faster than  those other ways .  
Also; don't forget the panels can be moved / removed / added to suit your needs (bigger s/shot -- just to show you). Generally you only need a few active panels --- the ones I'm using the most for photos are Layers / history / Colour / Library / brushes - mine / channels / histogram (which does take up too much space ;)
All can be found >View >studio
Brushes for photography : Can be easier to make a folder of a few general brushes instead of always looking through all the brushes . One general round brush will do most of your work as it's easier enough to change opacity / size / feather on the run. Maybe add a couple of Texture brushes and specialty brushes you often require or use . Lightroom and On1 have only the one round brush and I never really wished for more --- more is just more choices and that's often just more confusion --- is for me anyway . [Affinity ready does need a good smart brush ;) . There is one in develop so why not layers ??] 
Another great Affinity idea that I like is the ''selection" in the tool bar. Although I'm used to shortcuts I do find  clicking the icons easier and maybe faster 
 The screenshots will point you in the right direction 
Was all that of any use to you ?
Questions welcome
Whoops - the photo is a bit rough - sorry 

affinity 2.jpg

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