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On color picking (again)

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I know, it's already discussed and improved someway but it's crucial to solve the issues of this tool for the digital paint scenario.

Actually every solution to pick a color on iPad is slow, strange, unprecise and not good at all.
To be clear, quickly color picking during a painting session it's absolutely the most frequent thing we do. I mean, thousand and thousand of times!

Load a random digital painting video on youtube and you can count how many times you see that gray circle: that's color picking.1280954001_Schermata2018-08-31alle17_01_30.jpg.06fcb8a0393bea6d7d78eec3596038ea.jpg


Actual situation:

- the current version (with long press with pen) it's the most useful one right now but need to be more responsive. It's a hit and miss most of the time.
- in the closed beta ( you removed the long-press with pencil and added long press with finger and it's a mess 9_9

Picking with finger it's almost impossible  because you need to 'aim' a little spot, without viewing (because the finger itself) and then dragging over searching for that little spot...

- The only way to use the color picker in a proper way is via the on-screen button in the bottom bar ...but it's nested at the third level and you cannot go back and forth between brush settings and picker.

We need a quick on-screen shortcut to activate the color picker AND picking with the pencil, please.

Maybe the fastest solution is to move the on-screen button somewhere in the first level of the bottom bar or something


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