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Table Stroke All Doesn't Always Work

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When trying to remove strokes from a table that only has partial strokes (such as some vertical interior strokes but no horizontal/outside strokes), if I select "All Borders" and try to edit the strokes that way - to completely remove strokes quickly or unify the stroke style - it doesn't actually change the strokes. It will work if I find the particular type I need to edit - such as inside vertical strokes - but not if I try to do through All. This can make tweaking and editing a table more tedious sometimes if I'm not trying to find a particular combination and just want to change all the table outlines at once.

Using Windows 10.

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Hey Chris, thanks for replying. I did have all the cells selected and it didn't work - however, it later worked on another table and worked on the same table later. For the most part for me it works, but once in a while it decides not to work. Haven't noticed any difference in how I select things between it working and not working. I've attached the file it's inconsistent on in case it's useful for you guys. However, right now it appears to be working fine - it only decides not to work every once in a while.


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