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Question about the fill feature

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Hi, I was wondering if I'm not doing something right...I've tried using the flood fill and gradient fill and I get no color. I would like to start with a basic layer and color it. I'm new to affinity so i didn't know if I missed something.



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Hello Pkitch,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)


The Gradient tool (Draw Persona) is used to fill vector objects. So you have to draw a rectangle or other shape first, then with it selected, change to the Gradient Tool and click an drag over it on canvas to create the gradient. You can change the gradient colours clicking on its handles (the circles) on canvas and picking another colour from the Colour panel on the right. Optionally you can also customise the gradient through the Colour swatch button on the context toolbar (the toolbar right above the document).


The Flood Fill tool (Pixel Persona) only works on pixel layers. To use it you have to create a Pixel layer clicking on the second icon counting from the right on the bottom of the Layers panel and then clicking on canvas (make sure the pixel layer is selected in the layers panel).

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