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Using customer beta, but said it was a 10 day trial

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I purchased AD, then started using the customer beta (which said nothing about a 10 day trial), then I had OS problems and erased my drive, re-installed OSX 10.10.2.


After that I just downloaded the beta again, and when I installed it, it said it was a 10 day trial.


What do I need to do to get rid of the trial limit, but keep using the customer beta version?  It's been about five days so far into the trial ...

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Ok, thanks MEB!  I thought it might ask me for my info and check a database for my purchase at the end of the trial.  I have monthly limits with my internet provider and didn't want to download the purchased version unless it was absolutely necessary.


I'm off to the Mac App Store ...

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  • Staff

Hello Mr Pink,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

You can get the latest Affinity Designer beta here (usually pinned at the top). Note that if you already used the ten days of the trial, installing the Beta version will not reset the time limit. The Affinity Designer Beta version only works without time restrictions for users who already bought the MAS version and have it installed on their system.


The Affinity Photo Beta is currently the only application that you can install without time restrictions since it's a public Beta and it's not yet available for purchase (The affinity Designer Beta is a Customer Beta).

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